Saturday, May 27, 2023
Bears 399 and 610, A Special day in Grand Teton National Park
We decided to head back to Grand Teton National Park, searching for bear 399. She had appeared with her new cub, on May 16, spending two days along the road and then disappeared for the next week. We decided to go last Thursday hoping to be lucky enough to spot her.
Leaving home early, 6:30 am, we drove to the park and took up a spot where she had last been seen There, we sat and waited for several hours. Quite a few people had the same idea. Some of the cars left and then more. Our friends Fred and Becky called us to say that just North of us was a huge bear jam!
Most of the cars seemed to be headed north and so we took left. Going around a corner we found the massive bear jam. Thanks Becky! Renita dropped me off and then parked before grabbing her camera and soon joined me, (you must always park with your vehicle tires being outside the white line).
Looking closer we saw it was with a new coy, cub of the year, and it was bear 399! The cub almost never left her side. They walked to a small copse of pine trees where she stopped and let her coy feed. After being fed she moved to the east and you could see her backside was wet from the feeding.
The two were almost inseparable as they turned west and then headed south into the forest. Most waited, as we did, hoping they would reappear. We discussed where they might head and we finally left, returning to where we had started the day. Rounding the corner, we saw we had waited too long. They were walking up Pilgrim Creek Road.
She was feeding on the grass along side the road. It was rare that both were visible as that’s how close the cub was to its mother. Turning into the field they grazed like cows and finally headed south into the forest. Having an idea where she would go we drove and parked but she did not appear. As we waited another car showed up. The person got a text from a friend who told her that another bear, bear 610 was visible near a different turn off.
She told us the news, and following her we arrived at another bear jam. By the time we arrived we had to walk a bit before we could get her picture. It was grizzly 610 and she was just going down a ridge, where she disappeared. Bear 610 has three yearlings with her, but we never saw them.
It had been a great day! Finally, bear 399. It is the fifth year we have photographed her.
Clear skies
Seeing the bears never gets old. Stay safe and healthy.