Monday, May 20, 2024
A Rainy Drive to Painted Rock State Park
It was our last day at Jen and Erics and while we had hoped for a hike the weather said otherwise. Instead, Jen and Eric took us on a sightseeing drive to Painted Rock State Park. Along the way we passed a hear of buffalo.
It was a private herd and a sign started that the buffalo/buffalo meat were for sale. ! The herd was in several different pastures and the distant one contained red dogs, (this year’s calf buffalo). Not having a freezer big enough to hold all the meat we drove on, (we enjoy buffalo meat but have never had the chance to taste the buffalo hunters favorite cuts, (the hump and the tongue)
Further on we reached the dam that marked the start of Painted Rock State Park. It was not our first trip there and I wrote of our visit in one of last year’s blogs. A novice fly fisherman was practicing casting his line. He was doing pretty good so I didn’t mention that he should practice a roll cast, (it’s a perfect cast for small streams lined with willows and brush).
We glassed for birds but the steady, but light rain kept them hidden in the trees. Green head mallards flew by, and a pair of common mergansers landed in a distant inlet. The rain continued and so we enjoyed the view from the car windows and enjoyed the chance to visit about our stay.
As always we so enjoyed and the next day we left early for our trip back to Star Valley. Soon our Park Model, (think tiny home), would be delivered and we knew we would be too busy for much else, with the set-up and packing, Thanks Jen and Eric for all the fun,food, hikes, and especially your love.
Clear skies
Our internet connection is so lousy that I can't upload pictures. Later
Getting a new house, very neat. Stay safe and healthy.