Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Star Valley Pickleball, The Grand Opening of the New Courts
Besides lapidary and wildlife photography, we also play quite a bit of pickleball. It keeps us active and helps us to acclimatize to the six thousand foot elevation. It’s a great way to meet people and we look forward to playing the fun game.
Our club started with nineteen people in 2010 and has grown to three hundred and sixty members. With skill levels from 2.5, beginner to 4.5, (each level is 0.5 increase), and even perhaps 5.0. At first the founders, Mary, pictured at far right, and her husband, had taped the pickleball courts over the tennis courts. There were two which converted to eight.
As the club grew we needed more courts and another four courts were added where a bumper boat pond had been located. It quickly became obvious that this wasn’t enough and another four courts were planned and finally finished this past week, (we now have sixteen courts).
To celebrate the new courts opening the club held a grand opening event. To inaugurate the new courts members could put their names in a hat and if drawn be the first to play. Renita decided to put her name in and she was drawn for the 3.0 skill level!
The President of the club gave a speech about the growth of the club which was followed by the ribbon cutting ceremony. After that it was game on and all sixteen of the courts, new and old, were busy! Thanks to all who worked so hard to raise money for the new coursts and to the park who agreed and provided the land! Game on and of course Clear Skies!
Before the SVRR Park added the Pickleball courts new lots sales were sluggish at best. Now the lots sell almost as fast as they build them. Any rv part without them is at a disadvantage. Our park is the largest rv park west of the Mississippi!
Neat Pickleball is all the rage. Stay safe and healthy.