Whenever we are here in St Petersburg, we always try to
spend at least one day birding at Sawgrass Nature Park. Surrounded by highways,
buildings, and the city. It’s a small isolated haven of what this area once
It’s only a few steps from the parking spot to the first
bayou. Right away we spotted a feeding little blue heron. Wading amid the green
water plants it craned its neck as it looked for the small fish and invertebrates
that make up its diet. Stabbing into the water it gave its prey a quick shake
and then swallowed its lunch.
A few more steps and we were standing on the bridge, peering
down on several common moor hens. Several painted turtles rose for a breath of air
before diving down into the weed choked water. A gar stayed motionless below the
water’s surface waiting for a fish or frog to venture to close to its sharp
teeth filled jaw.
A little further we stopped at an overlook and the marsh
hens swam to our new location, hoping for a handout. There are usually alligators
at this spot and Renita spotted one across the bayou. It was laying on the raised
levee warming itself in the morning sun.
She also spotted a pair of American Ibis partially hidden by
the thick underbrush. They were also feeding by moving their long narrow curved
beaks back and forth through the shallow water. They would occasionally stop to
swallow prey they had found in the mud.
Another person told us of a mother alligator guarding it
young in a small opening along the raised
boardwalk. We missed it at first but
later saw people watching the gators and so we were able to stand above them
and watch as the young gators swam looking for the best piece of sunlight.
A little further a green heron hunted minnows directly below
the walk and so we got some great images of the small wader. Another birder suggested
it was a young bird, because it was at the bottom of their normal size range.
Still it had its adult plumage and color.
At the viewing tower an anhinga perched in the branches of a
small bush. It was preening its feathers but didn’t spread it wings as they
often do after fishing. Several lgbs flitted in the trees. (Little grey birds).
Still we were able to finally capture an image allowing us to identify the
Returning back down the boardwalk a loose domestic rooster
walked across the grounds. Somehow it had taken refuge in the park and I was
surprised someone hadn’t removed it for a pot of chicken gumbo, (it was nearing
lunch time after all).
Renita again spotted several people taking images with their
cameras and nearing them we saw the reason why. Two gopher tortoises were
performing the tortoises tango. I.e. their mating ritual. The head bobbing, was
followed by a nip on the front leg by the male as soon the female turned and
allowed the male to climb upon her back.
It had been another good day at the small park. The gophers
had provided us with a unique view of something rarely seen and the green heron
had been another bonus of the short walk. Hopefully we will return another day
and walk along the forest floor. That’s a place we usually see a pileated
woodpecker. Thanks to the people that preserved the unique microcosm. Clear
Great pics. We need to check that place out.