Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fredericksburg and Livingston, an Unexpected Show

We left Balmorhea and headed east and of course we had a strong crosswind. Luckily it finally calmed and we were able to make it all the way to Fredericksburg. Checking into the RV Park, the park assistant told us about the weekend’s two festivals and so one night turned into two.

Our first trip was to the Fredericksburg Trade Days, and it was about what you would expect, a large flea market. We did find one shop that did wire wrapping, using copper and aluminum wire. Much to our surprise we ran into a vender we know who specializes in selling his families Native American Jewelry. He was definitely the top end of the market and he must do ok as he does all of their fall and early winter shows.

After lunch we headed to the Gourd Show. It’s a gathering of Texas Gourd artists and if you haven’t seen what artists do with gourds, you really should go see. One artist told us one carving and glazing took her almost two years and another insisted I pick up her stunning carving of an Indian Women on a horse. As I looked inside I saw a price of $15,000 and I almost had another heart attack as I carefully set it back on its stand.

The next morning we drove to Livingston, Texas and Rainbows End where we got the SPK hugs and welcome. It’s so nice to go to a park and feel like your home with friendly welcomes, hugs, and smiles everywhere you go. That night we went to the Ice Cream Social and to our surprise David and Cathy sat down. Unexpected meetings are part of our lifestyle and it was so nice to be able to catch up on both our travels.

It turned out Tex Fest was starting and so we also able to register for a spot a Market Day, (thank you Kelly). So the first night was spent finding our displays getting ready for a new show. The next day we got set up and of course we had to take turns seeing what else was on sale.

One table had beautiful dichromic glass and another featured handmade wooden jewelry. We actually sold a nice cabochon and not expecting anything we soon sold a mammoth ivory pendant. It was our first mammoth ivory sale and I breathed a sigh of relief as you never know how people will react to your work.

We sold some other pendants and even had another mammoth ivory sale. It actually turned out to be one of our better shows and now I wish I had bought more mammoth tusk. I guess it’s better to run out instead of having too much and we still do have more in the storage space. Hmm, maybe we need to go back to Alaska in2014.

So here we are till Friday when we shall head south to Interstate Ten and then east as we plod on to Florida. We both look forward to seeing our daughter but with Florida being a contested state, we aren’t excited about the constant political commercials. Clear skies



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