Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Gulf Coast Rock Show 2015, A whole Lot of Wrapping Going On

I had an order to wrap three cabochons of turquoise and I was too busy to make them on Saturday, so I decided to wait till Sunday morning. It started out quiet, as I expected and a couple of hours later I delivered them to our friend Dana.
A few sips of coffee later another person asked me if I could wrap some more turquoise and a blue falcon eye piece and again I sat down at the back table. The turquoise cabochons were delicate and I took extra care as the thin edge, called a girdle, can flake off at any time. It doesn’t happen often but it still happens, luckily it didn’t happen this time. Two hours later I handed all three pieces to Renita.
I had just started to relax when a lady sat down and asked me if I could wrap a treasured keepsake. She described how much the thin wood scrimshaw piece meant to her and so with the added pressure I soon retreated into the wrapping world again.

A person spoke to me and said he was amazed at my concentration, apparently I hadn’t heard him ask me the first time. I thought a bit and said that to me my art/craft was somewhat zen-like, and that it required my complete concentration or mistakes would happen.
I had just finished the piece placing it in a presentation box, when the lady reappeared, and almost cried when she saw the finished pendant. I told her that her treasured heirloom was now protected by a ring of gold wire! She said she was so pleased that she could kiss us but I told her that we were Escapees and that we preferred hugs.
Thankfully no more people wanted pieces wrapped and I took a walk around the show. Seven pieces in a day was my record as I usually quit after two. Of course I stopped at the wrong place and ended up returning to our booth with five slabs of green British Columbia jade. It was funny really as the jade I bought here was better quality then the jade sold to me at Jade City, British Columbia.
Meanwhile Renita had been busy at our booth, (along with Pam and Roy who helped out and gave us much needed breaks thank you both), and we were both tired as the show ended. It had been our best two day show ever and now we will take a break till June and Alpine Days, in Alpine, Wyoming.

Clear skies, (and good rock)

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful hobby you two have. So happy to see how much you enjoy it and how well you are doing. KEEP ON WRAPPING!!!
