Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Blessing of the Shrimp Fleet; Grand isle, LA, Spring 2018

It had been nine years since the Blessing of the Fleet had taken place on Grand Isle, Louisiana. During the blessing ceremony the shrimp boats pass quietly by the priest who blesses each boat with holy water. Today a strong north wind had caused small craft warnings to be posted and some boats had opted not to participate but the narrow channel was protected and many of the skilled captains took part.
Before the ceremony some boats had docked on Fifi Island while others jockeyed for position. One boat had mechanical problems and a Coast Guard boat quickly moved into position to aide with a tow, but the skilled captain swung his boat in time and was able to let the wind push him into the dock.
The priest from the Catholic Church, Father Carlos Talavera, waited for the signal to start and the first boat passed by as the priest dipped the silver miter into the holy water and prayed silently while blessing the boat and crew as it passed.
The crews and crowd were silent, and some crossed themselves. All were moved with thoughts and prayers for the safety of the fleet and the crowd cheered each boat in passing.
Many of the boats had been decorated for the event and all flew the US Flag along with the Louisiana pennant.
Some of the boats had figureheads on their boats, one a large image of Christ on the cross.
Another had a teenage mutant turtle riding behind the radar mast.
One after another all the boats passed safely by, the last boat being the Coast Guard boat, whose crew stood silently at attention.
The largest crowds roar was for them, the brave men and women of the Coast Guard who put themselves at risk to save their loved ones, and all who travel the sea. Thank you Coasties!
After the ceremony the crowd quietly left the dock, many still in silent thought of the special event that they had witnessed.
All of us were blessed to see the event and all of us were moved by the solemn parade. Clear skies

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