We have participated in the Alpine Mountain Days Show since
2015. It ha been one of our best shows and this year we set records for a
single day and for the best show ever! We set up last Thursday afternoon and
Friday, as usual was an average day, (it's so encouraging when people give compliments on our work and spend their money on our jewelry).
Saturday also started out slow, but the crowd increased, and
we got so busy we forgot to take any images. Besides setting a one day record
we also found time, before it got busy, to make a few purchases ourselves. One
of our friends, Jim, is a stone napper and besides his knives he knapped a
stunning blue arrowhead out of fiber optical glass, (I had to buy it)!
Sunday was a lot slower and it gave us time to rearrange our
jewelry cases, and plan on what we needed for the special orders we had received.
One of the orders was to make a right-handed knife sheath replacing the left-handed
sheath, (I made left handed sheaths for four of the knives I had made, isn’t everyone
left handed?).
Returning home, we unpacked and rested for a day before
going fly fishing with George and Val. They had fished one of our favorite
small streams and had caught and released quite a few Bear Lake Cut throats,
(also called Bonneville Cut throat Trout).
We fished a popular area and boots prints were everywhere.
The fishing showed the pressure, but we still managed to catch and release sixteen
of the cuts and one rainbow. The rainbows are not stocked here but swim
upstream from Idaho. The cuts are all native fish!
The next day our landscaping blocks arrived. We had had them
shipped from Idaho Falls, we had to pay the shipping, but it was a lot cheaper
then if we tried to haul them in our pickup. They weigh a little over twenty
pounds each and so it would have taken us two trips to haul the four thousand
pounds of blocks.
On Wednesday we got a call that our patio furniture had been
found and was going to be delivered. We had ordered it from a major home
improvement company on June 2nd. The shipment had been lost in Aurora,
Colorado where Renita prodded the shipping company into locating the case and
then shipping our furniture to us. A week later Renita fond out that the
shipment had been lost again, with possible locations being Jackson, Salt Lake
City, or even Provo, Utah.
We were surprised, two days later, when the company called
to inform us that the furniture had been found again and would be delivered soon. It arrived
three days later and so now we finally have an almost completed patio. Just a few more landscaping blocks, one hundred
and eighty six, to set in place and we will be done for the year!
We have lots of company coming and now we have a place where
we can sit outside and enjoy the mountain view. We still have some more landscaping
plans, but we will save them for next year! We are also doing three more shows
this summer, the first the Coy Wild West Extravaganza, another which is a half day long and the last isn’t until Labor Day
weekend. So, it’s almost time for fishing and kayaking and white water rafting.
! Clear Skies
The joys of owning property, twenty pound rocks. Looking forward to seeing the pictures.