Thursday, June 27, 2024

Alpine Mountain Days 2024

Our summer shows schedule started with the Alpine Mountain Days, in Alpine Wyoming. It’s a well-run three day event and we look forward to it each year. One of the highlights is the Native American dances.
This year we were so busy at our booth that I couldn’t break way to watch as many dances as I would have liked. Still, I was able to watch the Children’s dance where Native American invited nonnative children participate! The kids had fun and it was a great dance that everyone enjoyed.
Later I was able to watch a traditional family dance, followed by a nontraditional dance. The main difference was that the outfits in the nontraditional dance contained modern materials and designs. The dance I was able to watch was the Women’s Dance.
The last dance was a male dance. It was obvious that all the dancers were caught up in the excitement of the performances. Thank you to all the dancers and drummers, for sharing your culture! Finally, a thank you to all the people of Alpine, Wyoming who made the show such a success! Clear skies

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