Saturday, September 21, 2024

Doctors, A Birthday Present, Wildlife In the Park, and getting the New Park Model Ready for Winter

We made plans with our friends for our yearly hike up to Taggert Lake. It’s a well-loved place and you have to get there early, or you may have to hike a long ways just to get to the trailhead. Unfortunately, the smoke from a nearby forest fire was so thick that we decided to postpone the hike until it cleared. The next day I went to a doctor and found out other tests were needed. After that tests I had to make an appointment to have surgery and so our hikes, for this year, are done. The surgery went fine and I was released but confined to the house.
As I sat at the dining room table Renita, and I noticed movement across the street in our neighbor’s flower garden. Her flowers were doing great, and it attracted a deer which stood there eating flower after flower. Cars were stopping and the deer ignored them. Finally, it had eaten its fill and moved on, (the deer may have cronic wasting disease). The deer come into our park when deer season starts and even elk, moose and bear have learned the park is a safe haven. While we haven’t seen the bear others have and it also leaves large scats, one of which was in our backyard.
We usually go to Grand Teton National Park for a birthday present. Instead, our friend Barbara called us to tell us that she had a consignment of larimar rough, so we bought it all. Larimar rough sells for a dollar a gram.
Nothing like buying yourself a birthday present, (when we saw, grirnd ,and polish we lose seventy per cent of the original rock), so a twenty gram piece will end up as a six gram finished cabochon, which by the way is now about a thirty karat stone).
Finally, our place is almost ready for winter! A local glass man replaced our two broken windows. Next our contractor skirted it and now we are waiting for a warped door to be replaced and an electrician to replace the wiring where a nail caused a short. It won’t be long before we leave on our migration. We have a person lined up to shovel our roof, when needed and another to winterize it, (two years ago we received twenty-one feet of snow, the houses here have to withstand a snow load of eighty pounds per square foot). Clear skies


  1. This year has gone by like a flash. Will u be stopping in Springfield to see your sister. Hope to see you soon and maybe this year catch a fish or two.

  2. Stay healthy and safe on your trip south.
