Jed Clampet once said that a man who is too busy to go fishing is too busy. He didn't say anything about the fish actually cooperating by biting. So I have gone fishing but no catching has taken place. Luckily there has been plenty of other things to keep us busy and we have been really busy since our last post. Busy teaching wire wrapping classes, making a local trip to buy rock, setting up and selling at an Art and Craft Show, and enjoying the company of friends at Watersedge.
Part of the joy of any learned skill is passing that skill on to others and so we decided to hold classes on wire wrapping. We set up a class where we are and also at another rv park. Both classes had people who signed up for them and so we have taught classes at Lagoons and Watersedge.
They are basically "Make and Take" classes in which we provided all the materials and some of the tools that allow the participants to make a wire wrapped cabochon pendant. The stones are ones we sawed and ground and the wire is copper and brass from our own supplies. We charge thirty bucks for the class and we don't make a lot from them but we also do sell our stones and show our work, so we do make money from the classes. So it works out good for students and teachers.
Yesterday was a day of madness in which we taught a class in the morning and set up and sold at our rv park's Art and Craft show. Our work was well received and we had a really good day as people gave us the best compliment of all, they bought our pendants and stones.
We also made a trip to Beesvilee and bought rock from a rock shop that has gone out of business. There we found some pietersite, quite a bit of dinosaur bone, and even some really beautiful dinosaur coprolite,(fossil dinosaur poop). Its about the most exquisite poop we have ever seen and even has visible and large fragments of plant material, chewed of course! I can't wait till we can work some of it as its going to make great cabochons and jewelry,(It doesn't smell and tastes like rock)!
Tomorrow we have our biggest show at Lagoons Arts and Craft Fair. There are going to be over fifty dealers and we our now armed with a credit card account so people can pay with plastic! WE were told by other dealers that it really makes a difference when the prices of your stuff is over thirty dollars and our prices range from thirty five to over three hundred per piece, so we shall see. Regardless we have had a good month and have lots of coprolite! Clear skies.
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