Friday, May 29, 2015

Summer Plans, Heading into Yellowstone with our New(used) Truck Camper

For the past eight years, we have been blessed to explore our country and we have found so many remote places to visit and further explore. However the size of our rig, fifty five feet when hooked up,  means that we can't get into many of them and therefore we have been limited into making day trips.
While in Alaska we saw many people with truck campers and so we have purchased a small pop up truck camper for overnight trips into remote areas. Tomorrow we hope to head into Yellowstone park for a three or four day trip concentrating on wildlife viewing. Its only one hundred and twenty miles away.
 It has finally stopped raining and should warm up into the seventies! Now if we can just figure out how everything works and not pack it too full, (no rocks on this trip). we should be good to go. We still plan on traveling year round, but the big rig will be parked for the next four months. Clear skies.


  1. Looks like a great way to explore the area and maybe go back to Alaska.

  2. I didnt recognize your truck without the kayaks. This should work great! C
