I feel foolish writing about our travels when our hearts are in Louisiana and Florida as people we love prepare for Hurricane Issac. Our daughter works tonight and so we will call her tomorrow and my sister and her husband have evacuated to Thiboudoux.
Jenny's apartment is a ground floor bungalow about three feet above sea level. She took all her valuables to her boyfriends house and moved everything else up from the floor. It sounds like maybe the worst passed west. She was going to find out if they were going to evacuate her hospital in which case she would have gone with her patients so we will have to wait.
Connie and Gary evacuated from Grand Isle and are planning to stay in Thiboudox until everything clears. People who live on the coast have such a beautiful lifestyle, at times, and pay for it when a big one rolls in.
We have been blessed to meet many of their island friends and I am sure some have refused to evacuate. Anyway ours prayers and thoughts are with our family and Gulf Coast friends.
HI - we brought the computer and so far have powerand are right across from a sonic so i'm in hog heaven with a large rootbeer float - ruvon wasnt leaving and paco left last nite - they showed a live feed from grand isle but we couldnt figure out where it was - just showed big waves and the bridge side marina parking lot has a foot of water in so far. - connie